Member Information FORM
NEW MEMBERS: Please fill out this form so we can make sure we have your correct information.

CURRENT MEMBERS: You many also use this form anytime you need to UPDATE your personal information IF it has changed in any way.

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Please make sure the email you provide below is the email address that you wish to be associated with your MSC account. We can support only one email address per member. Multiple addresses could result in not receiving communications from our lists.
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Email *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Phone Number: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Method of Payment: *
If you have just paid or renewed you membership, please tell us how you paid:
Membership: *
Please select the type of membership you purchased, renewed, or currently hold.
Rating: *
If you are already a Member, select the rating you have earned:
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