2017 Finance/Election/Business Meeting
We will be having our annual Finance/Election/Business meeting two weeks from today, Thursday October 27th at Aubree’s in Dexter starting at 6:30pm (8031 Main St #101, Dexter, MI 48130 http://aubrees.com)
The club will provide pizza and salad for all members in attendance; a cash bar will be available.
Please try to come if you can. We need a quorum to conduct business and your input is valuable.
We will be discussing and voting on the following items:
- Approval of 2017 budget
- Approval of funds transfer from holding account to operating & savings accounts.
- Approval of 2017 Dues Policy
- Allocate funds from the Capital Asset fund to refurbish the dock
- Allocate funds from the Fleet fund to buy one or more boat
- Authorize a funds transfer to facilitate the purchase of above items
- In accordance with Article III section 4 of the club Constitution, bestow a lifetime Honorary
- Membership to retiring Vice Commodore Jane Tucker
- Election of 2017 club officers
A draft of the agenda is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xhw7rgZ1Mra-zatc24LTN_rz9Ze2aglPl26h5sD8GxI/edit?usp=sharing
Hope to see you there.
-Paul Townsend, Commodore