
If you are planning on helping, if you could please sign our volunteer insurance form. We pay extra on our policy that covers volunteers doing work around the club. Please fill out with the tasks you will be participating in. Click here to go to the form.

Things on the boats to do list:

– get remaining Lasers out of the annex and onto dollies
– booms and sails with sail bags into Lasers, cover the boats
– find and install remaining laser racing vangs on masts.
– setup sunfish on dollies with booms, masts and sails, cover
– rig Butterfly
– possibly rig the two JY’s that are out on the lawn
– if enough people are there, get the nice FD out of the boat house, and
park it covered or rig, according to desires…
– provide help to the Albacore team, if they desire it. Lead by Paul
Townsend, who will prepare the boat for sale.
– epoxy crack on pontoon boat hull, if it has not been done already?

– clean club house and bathrooms

Your help in getting the Club into sailing condition is greatly appreciated.

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