Racing Schedule


In addition to our usual racing, we hold several formal regattas during the sailing season where we keep score and award prizes for the top finishers. The Laser Regattas are open to our members and owners of class legal Lasers (Intensity rigging allowed). The Dan Rice and the Bonechiller regattas are open to all classes of sailboats 20′ or less in length. Club membership is not required but club boats are reserved for club members.


  • Informal club racing is held most Sunday mornings (10:00am-2pm).
    • Check the Activity Calendar to confirm we will be there.
    • Meet at the club at 10am to pair up with a partner and rig the boat.
    • The first race starts at 11am, and we usually finish up around 2pm.
    • Mixed-fleet (several different classes of boats) no handicap.
  • People with all skill levels are welcome. No RSVP needed, just show up and ask who needs crew.
  • Join the racing email list to find out what’s going on with racing. For individual questions feel free to contact the Racing Chair at: Racing at MichiganSailingClub dot org.
  • Beginner and advanced racing clinics offered throughout the season, mainly on Saturdays.