Weather Info at the Club

You have probably asked yourself many times:
- Are the conditions worth my heading out to the club?
- Just how strong was that big wind we had?
Now you can get those answers for yourself. The club now has a working weather station. WooHoo!
The weather data is linked off of the club’s main web page or you can view it directly at the following link:
There is also a console display located in the closet where the phone is located.
The weather instruments have been placed at the end of the dock for the best wind exposure since wind is our primary concern. There is no ideal location for them at the club due to the proximity of the hill and trees and other factors, so take the reports with a grain of salt, especially when the wind is out of the south.
I’d like to thank everyone who helped with this project.
- Thank you to Fernando Leon for obtaining a very nice weather station.
- Thank you to Andy Fowler for setting up the system which takes data from the station and produces the reports.
- Thank you to Andy van Staveren for configuring the web server to accept and display the reports and for providing a UPS.
Please let us know what you think of the weather page and if you have any suggestions. The station is still a work in progress and I am still learning how to manage it.
— Jim Rennell